Natural World
Tree Tools for Schools
Suitable for: EYFS/KS1/2
The Woodland Trust provide many excellent free resources focused on our native woodland habitats, whether for play or for learning. Some activities are grouped according to the seasons and others through themes or the curriculum.
MEEN's Forest garden resource pack
Suitable for: EYFS/KS1/KS2
The Early Years Bug Quiz
The Forest Garden Game - Year 2 Science and D & T
Who am I? - Year 4 plant identification quiz and competition with support materials: Question sheets; Answers for teachers; Supporting images.
The Big School Bioblitz - KS2
Countryside Foundation For Learning
Suitable for: KS1/2
The Foundation has primary lesson plans linking Maths and English to trips out, amongst other things. Useful in relation to follow up work in the classroom especially if you have been out on a visit with them.
Suitable for: all ages
This website holds lots of information about our wild plants. Plantlife also runs the Great British Wildflower Hunt and has produced these very good spotter sheets.
Town and City wildflower spotter sheet.
Woodland wildflower spotter sheet.
Country wildflower spotter sheet.
I'm a teacher get me OUTSIDE here!
Suitable for: EYFS/KS1/2
This is a blog post written by Juliet Robertson a teacher from the North East of Scotland. It contains a wealth of information on activities and resources geared towards outside play with links to literacy, numeracy, art.
Natural England
General resource:
For a list of local nature reserves to visit search the map on the above link.
Peak District National Park
Suitable for: KS1/2/3/4
They have educational resources aimed at all key stages for fieldwork and many educational fact sheets about different aspects of the Peak District including the moors.
Open Air Laboratories (OPAL)
Suitable for KS1/2
Lots of lesson plans and activities, some seasonal packs, or themed on wildlife, trees, etc. They also provide resources for surveys at:
Beehive: the MEEN newsletter
Beehive provides information about up and coming events and opportunities, runs stories from Manchester schools to inspire good practice, reviews up to date teaching resources and lists training opportunities.
Contact us
Tel: 07505172335
Email: click to email us
MEEN, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HR