Energy to Invest?
On Nov 19th MEEN was busy at Manchester Cathedral with lots of schools attending 'Energy to Invest?' The Cathedral wanted to share the news that they have a ground-source heat pump system installed and bees hives on their roof: they also wanted to hear all about the good Eco work young people have been doing in schools.
So following a presentation from the Dean, four schools shared their hard work, thoughts and ideas about saving energy and Climate Change. This was followed by a carousel of learning activities which included going into the Cathedral's cellar to look at the new heating system and a range of short sessions run by a variety of wonderful organisations who supported the event.
It was a lovely and well-appreciated event. So thank you to the schools who gave the presentations for sharing their knowledge and experience, the stall holders for giving their time and their energy and all the schools who came along on the day. And last, but by no means least, the Diocese of Manchester for inviting us into their beautiful, warm and increasingly energy efficient Cathedral!
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MEEN, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HR