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Manchester Environmental Education Network
Sustainable education continuous professional development in schools
Sustainable education continuous professional development in schools
Sustainable education continuous professional development in schools

Continuous Professional Development

MEEN offers staff training sessions around the sustainability agenda. We can organise bespoke sessions on request or deliver our more standard sessions. We are able to provide learning on a range of sustainability issues for example, we have recently delivered a bespoke 'Plastic-free school' session, a session on the science of climate change and one focusing on soil health/contamination in school grounds.

Such CPD can be delivered to all staff in a school, a specific group of staff, school cluster or representatives across a whole-school community. The timings of the session can be flexible, depending on the topic and the combination of desired outcomes, whilst a series of sessions can be linked together.

Here is a selection of what we can offer:

Understanding Climate Change 
This session helps staff understand the basic science of Climate Change, the impacts it will have on our lives and how to mitigate and adapt to it in a school setting.

Developing a Climate Change Action Plan
This session assesses the school's current achievements around sustainability and develops an action plan to take the agenda forward. The action plan can be bespoke or use the School's Climate Action Planner from GAP.

Embedding Sustainability and/or climate change in the Curriculum
This session is tailored to help individual schools develop their curriculum, consider the most pedagogical methods and explore educational resources that bring local and global issues together.

Teacher Feedback:
"Excellent staff meeting."
"This session has really got me thinking!"
"It's given us ideas to include ESD in the curriculum."
"It changes the way you think without telling you how to think!" 

The sessions cost £100 per hour. To discuss what you and your school might need contact Raichael Lock on

Donations welcome

Beehive: the MEEN newsletter

Beehive provides information about up and coming events and opportunities, runs stories from Manchester schools to inspire good practice, reviews up to date teaching resources and lists training opportunities.

Your email address will never be shared with anyone else.

Contact us

Tel: 07505172335
Email: click to email us

MEEN, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HR

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