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Manchester Environmental Education Network
MEEN project children planting a willow tree
MEEN project children hiding in the woods
MEEN project learning in the woods


MEEN’s project ‘Treemarkable’ is a celebration of our tree heritage. We have been planting trees in schools for many years and this project has enabled us to work with school communities to help young people learn about them, take good care of them and plant more. 

The participating young people learn a variety of tree related skills such as tree identification; they map where the trees are in their school; give them a health check and, if necessary, prune them, mulch them and plant up any of the gaps with new trees. The aspiration is to inspire young people to become ‘tree rangers’ and for the school to have a better understanding of what trees need to grow and stay healthy.

The project has also included creative responses to trees such as writing letters to humans from the perspective of being a tree, willow weaving and working with a sound artist. Although the project has been different in each school, it has generated lots of learning, sparked new understandings of human/tree relations and created plenty of opportunities for the pupils to share their experiences with the wider community.

If you would like to read more click onto the three case studies below which tell the story of the project as it emerged in each school setting. The link to 'Heald Place soundscapes' gives access to the recordings made by the pupils with Ryan Woods.

Heald Place Primary and here are the Heald Place soundscapes
St Wilfrid's RC Primary
St Augustine's Primary

We would like to thank the Heritage Lottery Fund for supporting this project.                 


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MEEN, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HR

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