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Manchester Environmental Education Network

Geographical Association / Frederick Soddy Trust


Geographical Association / Frederick Soddy Trust
The Frederick Soddy Awards
c/o The Geographical Association
160 Solly Street S1 4BF

Schools expeditions including human as well as physical geography in the plans may apply for this Award Scheme. Priority will be given to those with a strong element of human geography. Preference will be given to those schools applying for funds for expeditions or field study in the United Kingdom and Ireland as opposed to countries elsewhere in the world. Schools expeditions and fieldwork of physical geography would not be precluded in consideration by the Trustees.

The total sum available for awards is £2,500. Normally sums awarded are between £200 and £550, depending on the merits of each project. The Trust meets to consider applications for this scheme in early March. It aims to notify schools of the results within a week of the meeting.

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